In a groundbreaking development, India showcased the formidable capabilities of its Akash surface-to-air missile system during the Astrashakti military exercise conducted by the Indian Air Force (IAF) on December 12.
According to the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), India has become the first country globally to engage four aerial targets simultaneously at a range of 25 kilometers.The Akash missile, a product of indigenous design and development by DRDO, boasts a range of up to 25 km and serves as a crucial component in India’s defense strategy.
India became first country to demonstrate the capability of engagement of 04 aerial targets simultaneously at 25Km ranges by command guidance using single firing unit. The test was conducted by @IAF_MCC using Akash Weapon System @DefenceMinIndia @SpokespersonMoD
— DRDO (@DRDO_India) December 17, 2023
About the Trial Conducted
The exercise simulated a scenario where four unmanned aerial targets approached simultaneously in a close formation from the same direction. The Akash firing unit, armed with advanced components including the Firing Level Radar (FLR), Firing Control Centre (FCC), and two Akash Air Force Launcher (AAFL) launchers, flawlessly tracked and engaged all four targets.Amidst the exercise, the FLR detected and tracked the targets, providing crucial data to update the air scenario to a higher echelon. Targets were then assigned to the Akash Firing Unit, and the commander issued firing commands in sync with the system’s capabilities. Two Akash missiles were launched from separate launchers, with each launcher efficiently assigned to two targets. Impressively, all four targets were successfully engaged at their maximum range of approximately 30 km simultaneously.
Having served the Indian Air Force and the Indian Army for the past decade, the Akash Weapon System has not only secured its place in India’s defense but has also earned international recognition.
In a move to inspire future generations in defense research, DRDO Chief Dr. Samir V Kamat inaugurated a replica of the Akash missile at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Mumbai.
Orders from international customers underscore its status as a sought-after defense system globally. Ongoing upgrades by DRDO scientists involved in its development suggest the potential for additional orders, particularly from Southeast Asia and the Middle East.The Akash missile system, along with other key platforms such as Dornier-228 aircraft, 155 mm Advanced Towed Artillery Guns (ATAGs), Brahmos missiles, mine-protected vehicles, armored vehicles, ammunition, thermal imagers, and various components of avionics and small arms, contributes significantly to India’s role as a major exporter of defense technologies.The successful demonstration of the Akash missile system not only solidifies India’s defense capabilities but also positions the nation as a leading force in advancing indigenous defense technologies on the global stage.