Trinity Gaming India, launches Gamerz Night Live, a virtual gaming campaign property which has attracted around 10M viewers so far. The campaign has been launched in collaboration with Lenovo, Intel and Youtube, and is focused on developing the Indian creator community. This initiative has provided a platform for over 100 creators from across the country to showcase their talents. The campaign has been launched to assist upcoming creators in promoting their content, building their profiles, and sharing the spotlight with other top creators. The event has featured leading content creators and influencers, including Mortal, Scout, Regaltos, among other regional, micro and mini creators from around the country.
The campaign has run for a period of over 11 weeks and has aired more than 14 episodes to date, complemented by regular uploads of shorts and community posts and has generated over 6M views with 15 Episodes aired over YouTube. The Gamerz Night Live account serves as the platform for all upcoming episode announcements, highlight reels from previous episodes, engaging stories, and collaborative posts; these have generated over 10M views until now.
The games played by the creators include Battleground Mobile India (BGMI), Valorant, CS Source 2, Fall Guys, Among Us, Prop Hunt, and GTA V. The partnered creators come together not only to create fun content but also to battle it out as part of a team in BGMI, Valorant, and CSGO.
“Gamerz Night Live is the first ever recreational gaming IP where gaming content creators of varied sizes come together and enjoy gaming as a wholesome part of entertainment. Brands like Lenovo & Intel have marked their footprints in the gaming industry by launching gaming centric brands like legion, loq, gaming IdeaPad, Intel Arc, 13th gen processors which are beneficial for the consumers to make, record and consume content,” Anita Kotwani, CEO media- South Asia, Dentsu and Dentsu Gaming Lead, said.
The event will conclude by December 2023.
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