Indian Railways is gearing up to introduce a new Vande Bharat Express train for Uttar Pradesh, marking the allocation of three semi-high speed trains to the state. Scheduled to be inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday (December 18) from Varanasi railway station, this cutting-edge train will embark on its inaugural run from Varanasi railway station.
Operating between Varanasi and New Delhi, the saffron-coloured train will be the second ultra-modern addition to the route, following the introduction of train number 22435/22436 New Delhi-Varanasi-New Delhi Vande Bharat Express in 2019.
Ticket booking for the Varanasi-New Delhi Vande Bharat Express is set to commence from Monday, and further details on the fare will be released soon.
The inaugural run will host rail enthusiasts, including school students from Varanasi city, selected through competitions such as essay, debate, art, and quiz.
PM Modi to launch several rail projects in Varanasi
Additionally, PM Modi will also launch several rail projects from Varanasi railway station, including the Dohrighat-Mau MEMU train and a pair of Long Haul goods trains at the newly inaugurated Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC). The event will also feature the flagging off of the 10,000th locomotive produced by Banaras Locomotive Works (BLW).