Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections slated to be held in April-May next year, Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge on Monday launched ‘Donate for Desh’ crowdfunding campaign of the party. The campaign aims at “empowering the party to create an India rich in equal resource distribution and opportunities,” the party said.
Referring to the campaign, Kharge said that it is for the first time that the Congress party is asking people to donate the funds. “It’s the first time that Congress is asking people for donations for the nation… If you work only by depending on the rich people, then you have to follow their policies. Mahatma Gandhi also took donations from the public during the freedom struggle,” said Kharge.
Marking the 138 years of the Congress’ existence, Mallikarjun Kharge donated Rs 1,38,000 during the launch of the crowdfunding campaign.
Applauding the initiative taken by AICC, Delhi Congress President Arvinder Singh Lovely said, “Even Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge believes it is better to ask for contributions from the common people rather than businessmen. So we expect all our party workers and senior leaders to contribute.”
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“One thing I’m particularly excited about is, when we will go door to door to meet our voters after December 28, it will prove to be a win-win situation,” he added.
Speaking about the campaign, Congress leader KC Venugopal said that the crowdfunding initiative is inspired by Gandhi’s ‘Tilak Swaraj Fund’ that happened in the year 1920-21. The motive behind such initiative is to empower Congress party in making India rich in equal distribution of resources and opportunities.