India’s third-best B-school IIM Kozhikode held the fourth edition of its international conclave ‘Globalizing Indian Thought’ in Mysuru from December 14-16. It was the first time this conclave was held outside the campus. It was inaugurated by Sanjeev Sanyal, member, Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council, and Kinji Saito, director & senior managing officer, Suzuki Motor Corp.
Prof Debashis Chatterjee, director, IIM Kozhikode, told FE that the conclave aims at telling the world about the ‘Indian knowledge systems, culture and management’. “The world has a lot to learn from India,” he said. “Our human-centric perspective, which differs from the West’s systems-centric view, contributes significantly to India’s achievements in business. The value and vibrancy of India’s soft power is yet to manifest and the time has come for us to rise to our fullest potential, our highest aspiration and make India count on the world stage again.”
Earlier this year, in NIRF Rankings (Management), IIM Kozhikode jumped two ranks to become India’s third-best B-school, after IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Bangalore.