Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led government has spent a substantial amount for the development of infrastructure in the North Eastern (NE) states. The North Eastern region of India has witnessed sizable progress in railway and road infrastructure projects, aimed at fostering connectivity, economic development, and integration with the rest of the country.
According to the data shared by the Ministry of Development of the North-East Region, a total of 19 railway infrastructure projects, covering 1,909 km with an estimated cost of Rs. 81,941 crore, are in various stages of planning, approval, and execution as of April 1, 2023.
1,618 km sections commissioned till 2023
The period from 2014 to 2023 has seen remarkable achievements, with 1,618 km sections commissioned, including 377 km of new lines, 972 km of gauge conversion, and 269 km of doubling.This represents an average annual commissioning rate of 179.78 km, marking a 170% increase compared to the average annual commissioning during 2009-14, which stood at 66.6 km.
The commitment to infrastructure development is further evidenced by a substantial increase in budget allotment. The budget outlay for the period 2009-14 was Rs. 2,122 crore per year, whereas, from 2014-23, it increased to Rs. 6,083 crore per year.
Advancing rail and road connectivity
For the year 2023-24 alone, a budget of Rs. 10,269 crore has been allocated, highlighting the government’s dedication to advancing rail infrastructure in the region.
The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has played a pivotal role in enhancing the road network across the North Eastern Region. Over the past nine years (2014-2023), a total of 4,950 km of the National Highway Network has been developed at a cost of Rs. 41,459 crore.
Additionally, the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region has sanctioned 77 road projects under schemes like NESIDS and NERSDS, amounting to Rs. 3,372.58 crore.
The North East Special Infrastructure Development Scheme (NESIDS) has received a total approved outlay of Rs. 8,139.50 crore for the period spanning from 2022-23 to 2025-26. The comprehensive plan encompasses specific components, notably NESIDS (Roads) and NESIDS (Other than road infrastructure).
For the fiscal year 2023-24, a dedicated allocation of Rs. 2491.00 crore has been designated for both the NESIDS-Road and NESIDS-Other Than Road Infrastructure (OTRI) components.
A breakdown of the state-wise utilisation of funds under these two critical components is outlined in the Annexure. However, it’s important to note that the data pertaining to the district-wise utilization of funds under the NESID Scheme is not maintained centrally by the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (MDoNER).
Economic development of North East Region
The extensive railway and road infrastructure projects in the North East Region bring forth numerous benefits. These include the integration of the North-Eastern populace with the national mainstream, expedited movement of essential goods and agricultural products, increased employment opportunities, socio-economic development, growth in the tourism industry, and heightened industrial activities.