The Northern Railway (NR) has announced the launch of the second Vande Bharat train connecting Varanasi and New Delhi, scheduled to be flagged off by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at 2:15 pm today (December 18). According to the statement by the Northern Railway (NR), the train features a distinctive saffron color and introduces several new amenities.
The Railway Ministry source revealed that this is the second saffron-colored Vande Bharat train introduced nationwide. Accompanying the announcement, the NR shared a photo of the train showcasing its vibrant color in its press statement.
“The train has superior passenger amenities such as onboard Wi-Fi infotainment, GPS-based passenger information system, plush interiors, bio-vacuum toilets with touch-free conveniences, diffused LED lighting, charging points beneath every seat, individual touch-based reading lights and concealed roller blinds,” it said.
“It has better heat ventilation and air-conditioning system with UV lamp for germ-free supply of air. The intelligent air-conditioning system adjusts the cooling according to the climate conditions/occupancy,” the statement added.
Varanasi-New Delhi Vande Bharat Express inaugural run
The inaugural run of the train from Varanasi to New Delhi is scheduled for December 18 at 2:15 pm. Subsequently, during regular operation, the train will depart from Varanasi at 6:00 am for New Delhi six days a week, excluding Tuesdays. The train is expected to reach New Delhi at 2:05 pm, depart at 3:00 pm, and arrive at its destination station by 11:05 pm.
Comparatively, the first Vande Bharat train, currently operating between New Delhi and Varanasi, departs from Delhi at 6:00 am, reaching its destination at 2:00 pm. It then departs for New Delhi at 3:00 pm and arrives at its destination by 11:00 pm, operating six days a week, excluding Thursdays.
The Railways had previously launched its first saffron-grey Vande Bharat train on September 24, connecting Kasaragod and Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala. This launch was part of the nine Vande Bharat trains flagged off by the Prime Minister in a video conference.