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NEET SS Counselling 2nd window closes today, follow steps to register now

The Medical Counselling Committee will close the registration and choice-filling for the second round of NEET SS counselling today, on December 21, 2023. If you’re eligible and want to apply for this counselling round, you need to finish the registration by 12 noon today. The choice filling window will be open until 11:55 pm.

To register for NEET SS counselling round 2, you can use the link provided. The choice locking feature will be available from 4 pm today. After selecting your choices, make sure to lock them within the given time. If you don’t, the choices will be locked automatically. Follow the provided instructions carefully.

If you haven’t registered yet and want to participate in NEET SS counselling round 2, here are the steps to guide you through the process:

Visit the official NEET SS counselling website.

Click on the counselling registration link.

Log in using your roll number and password.

Click on the application link and fill in the required details.

Choose your preferred course and college for allotment by clicking on the choice filling link.

Save and lock your choices within the given time.

Finally, click on the link for the final submission.

Make sure to complete these steps before the deadline to ensure your participation in the NEET SS counselling round 2.

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