Amid the fresh surge in COVID cases, the latest lab reports have confirmed the spread of the new variant of coronavirus across India. According to the reports as many as 21 cases of the new COVID variant JN. 1 have been confirmed in India. This comes as the country witnesses a steady increase in new COVID variant cases.
According to the data shared by Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium (INSACOG), 18 cases of covid-19 sub-variant have been confirmed in Goa and one each in Kerala and Maharashtra.
Health Minister’s review of health facilities preparedness
Today, the Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya met with state representatives to discuss the emergence of new virus strains. Following this gathering, the minister assured everyone that there was no cause for alarm.
In the meeting, he stated, “I convened discussions with health ministers and senior officials from all states and Union Territories regarding readiness for respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19, and public health. States demonstrated a positive approach toward enhancing healthcare facilities.”
He further emphasized, “We should remain vigilant, but there’s no need to panic.” The minister directed officials to strengthen the surveillance system for analyzing the genetic composition of positive cases. This measure aims to track different virus variants via the INSACOG network and promptly identify any new variants.