In a recent communication to the Rajya Sabha, Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari, highlighted the significant progress of tunnel projects in India. Currently, the nation is witnessing the development of 34 tunnel projects on National Highways (NHs), with 26 of these projects located in the challenging terrains of the Himalayan region.
Safety measures in place
The implementation of these projects underscores a paramount focus on safety measures. Each project is meticulously designed in accordance with site-specific requirements and established codes, prioritising safety measures essential for emergency situations. These measures include escape tunnels, twin tubes with cross passages, separation walls equipped with emergency openings, lay-byes, and automatic fire detection and suppression systems, ensuring the well-being of commuters and workers.
Recently, in an incident involving trapped workers within a tunnel, prompt medical aid was provided, ensuring their physical and mental well-being. As part of financial support, each worker received Rs 2 lakh, along with an additional month of paid leave from the Executing Agency. Additionally, the Uttarakhand State Government extended financial assistance of Rs 1 lakh to all affected workers.
These developments underscore the government’s unwavering commitment to infrastructure development while prioritizing safety measures and the well-being of individuals associated with these crucial projects. Gadkari emphasized these initiatives as pivotal in ensuring safe and efficient highway infrastructure across the nation.