Abilities India Pistons & Rings (Abilities India), a leading manufacturer of pistons, piston rings, gravity casting, pressure die casting, and coatings has announced that it has got a patent for its innovative coating technology applied to pistons and cylinders.
This it says will transform the landscape of engine components as it reduces friction, wear, emissions and fuel consumption by 2-3%. As one of the leading Indian MSMEs highly involved in deep R&D, the company foresees a substantial growth of 15-20% in revenue attributable to this patented technology, with 4-5% expected in the current financial year. Looking ahead, Abilities India anticipates a top-line growth of 25-30%.
Sunil Arora, Chairman and MD, Abilities India Pistons & Rings said, “As one of the distinguished MSMEs focussed on cutting-edge research, Abilities India is proudly making technological strides in the auto components industry. This patent represents more than just a leap in engine component advancements; it symbolises our steadfast commitment to fostering substantial growth within the realm of sustainable mobility. With this innovative coating technology, we are not merely adapting to the shift in global mobility; we are actively shaping the future of automotive technology and reinforcing our position as pioneers in sustainable and efficient solutions for the global automotive landscape.”
Abilities India says it has already witnessed early adoption of its patented technology, with a leading Japanese two-wheeler OEM commencing the start of production.
The coated products are gaining traction globally, with interest from customers in India and overseas. The technology has far-reaching implications for various segments, including two-, three-wheelers and passenger cars, and is poised to set new standards for engine performance and environmental responsibility.
The company has already entered the mass production phase, supplying these advanced components to both Indian and overseas OEMs.