Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated and laid the foundation stone for multiple development projects in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, valued at over Rs 19,150 crores. Key initiatives include the launch of the New Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Nagar-New Bhaupur Dedicated Freight Corridor Project, Varanasi-New Delhi Vande Bharat Express train, and various railway projects. Additionally, the Prime Minister flagged off the 10,000th locomotive produced by Banaras Locomotive Works and inaugurated the Shivpur-Phulwaria-Lahartara road and two Railway Over Bridges (ROBs). Various other projects, such as road strengthening, Sangam Ghat road in Kaithi village, and infrastructure in the health sector, were also inaugurated.
Other infra projects
Foundation stones were laid for projects exceeding Rs 6,500 crores, including an 800 MW solar park in Chitrakoot district at a cost of around Rs 4000 crore, a new petroleum oil terminal in Mirzapur to be built at a cost of over Rs 1050 crore, the widening of Varanasi-Bhadohi NH 731 B at a cost of over Rs 900 crore, rural drinking water schemes under Jal Jeevan Mission at a cost of Rs 280 crore, and several health sector projects. Modi highlighted the ongoing renovation work on the Ganga Ghats, modern bus shelters, and facilities at airports and railway stations.
Beautification of Varanasi
The Prime Minister discussed the beautification of Varanasi, emphasising its growing significance as a center of faith and tourism. He noted the flourishing tourism, job creation, and steps taken to improve tourism facilities, including the Unified Tourist Pass System and the launch of the tourist website ‘Kashi.’
Modi emphasised the government’s commitment to Viksit Bharat (Developed India) and highlighted the success of the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra, connecting millions across villages and cities. Modi acknowledged the positive impact of the campaign, showcasing the achievements in Varanasi, including Ayushman Cards, free ration cards, housing, water connections, and Ujjwala Gas connections. He expressed satisfaction with the VBSY’s role in instilling faith and strengthening the resolve to make India a developed nation by 2047.
Modi assured that the stream of development in Varanasi would elevate the entire region. He acknowledged the support of the people of Kashi, expressing confidence in making India the third-largest economic power in the world during his third term. The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath, and other government officials were present at the event.