Tamil Nadu has retained the top slot in the logistics ease across different states (LEADS) 2023 rankings. The LEADS initiative, launched by the Union commerce and industry in 2018, serves as a benchmarking tool to assess the performance of logistics in Indian states and Union territories.
The evaluation focuses on three critical dimensions such as infrastructure, services and operating & regulatory environment, encompassing both perception-based and objective indicators. In the latest LEADS 2023 report, Tamil Nadu has demonstrated exceptional performance, particularly in the logistics infrastructure pillar, said a TN industries department note.
The report “Logistics Costs in India: Assessment and Long-term Framework” was prepared by National Council of Applied Economic Research with the guidance of Asian Development Bank experts. The framework uses 2021-22 for first estimates.
“This is a result of various state-led initiatives under the leadership of chief minister of Tamil Nadu MK Stalin, such as the enhancement of first / last mile connectivity, development of multi-modal logistics parks (MMLPs), and significant improvements in various logistics infrastructure components. The state has also excelled in the logistics services and operating & regulatory environment pillars, showing an above-average performance assessment compared to other states in the coastal group,” said TRB Rajaa, Tamil Nadu industries minister.
Some of the steps taken by the government to improve the sector include formation of core committees for strategic logistics sector discussions, establishment of a technical support unit under the state logistics oolicy, releasing a state logistics policy & integrated logistics plan and creation of a dedicated logistics cell for implementing logistics initiatives.
“The journey of Tamil Nadu in the LEADS rankings is a testament to its progressive approach towards logistics improvement. The government of Tamil Nadu has undertaken numerous initiativescontributing to this success,” said Sandeep Nanduri, MD, Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation (TIDCO).
The government has also taken measures for the enhancement of first-last mile connectivity projects and streamlining of regulatory processes through a single window clearance system. It has established a logistics council for collaborative sectoral development.
Tamil Nadu’s persistent efforts in these areas have significantly contributed to its consistent improvement in logistics performance, solidifying its position as a leader in the logistics sector. This achievement not only underscores the state’s commitment to fostering an efficient logistics ecosystem but also aligns with India’s goal to emerge as a global manufacturing and logistics hub, according to industries department officials