Crypto exchange WazirX has added 600,000 new users on its crypto exchange platform in 2023, the company said in the annual trading report released on Tuesday. Overall, the company has reached 1 billion users as on November 30. The top tokens traded on WazirX exchange were Bitcoin, Shiba Inu, Ripple, Ethereum and Polygon. Specifically, Shiba Inu and Bitcoin emerged as top performing tokens on WazirX’s exchange. The report contends that despite relatively less active market conditions, users continue to consistently engage with tokens. Nevertheless, market fears, uncertainty, doubt and social media play key roles in shaping the crypto market sentiment.
Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Haryana were among the states with the highest number of traders, whereas the highest trading volumes were seen in Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal and Haryana.For the top tokens on WazirX, the highest number of traders belonged to the 26-40 age group. Women constituted 22% of the total trading volume, and women aged between 21-40 years made up 83% of the total volume traded by all women users.Among men, the age bracket of 21-40 years constituted 76% of all men users on the platform.