The recently flagged-off Varanasi-New Delhi Vande Bharat Express is equipped with the anti-train collision system ‘Kavach,’ as per the Northern Railway. However, officials clarified that having the loco component of Kavach alone is not sufficient for collision prevention unless the entire system is implemented along the train’s entire route. But why? Let us take a look at what Northern Railway highlighted.
Reasons why ‘Kavach’ will fail in the Varanasi-New Delhi Vande Bharat Express
The new Vande Bharat Express boasts superior designs, interiors, and speed, ensuring a comfortable travel experience. The trainset is equipped with advanced safety features, including the Kavach technology. Kavach assists the loco pilot by automatically applying brakes in case of pilot failure to prevent collisions and ensures safe operation in adverse weather conditions. Despite the installation of the loco component, officials noted that the complete Kavach system is not in place on the Varanasi-New Delhi route.
What Ashwini Vaishnaw clarified
Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw previously informed the Lok Sabha that Kavach has been deployed in three sections in the South Central Railway zone, covering 1,465 route km and 139 locomotives. The system is also in progress for the Delhi-Mumbai and Delhi-Howrah corridors, totaling approximately 3,000 route km.