Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai on Monday said that the “cabinet will be formed very soon.” Addressing the media in Raipur, Sai told the reporters that “cabinet will include both old and new faces.” On his first visit to Delhi after becoming Chhattisgarh CM, Vishnu Deo Sai on Monday met Union Home Minister Amit Shah and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) national president J P Nadda.
#WATCH | On his first visit to Delhi after becoming Chhattisgarh CM, Vishnu Deo Sai in Raipur says, “I met Union Home Minister Amit Shah ji and BJP National President JP Nadda ji. Very soon cabinet will be formed with the inclusion of both old and new faces.”
On December 13, Vishnu Deo Sai took oath as the Chief Minister along with two detupy CMs, Arun Sahu and Vijay Sharma, at Raipur’s Science College Ground. The ceremony saw the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, and several other chief ministers of BJP-ruled states.
Also Read: BJP deliberates cabinet formation in Rajasthan, MP, Chhattisgarh; strategises action plan for 2024 polls
Sai’s appointment as CM was announced after a crucial meeting of the BJP’s newly elected 54 MLAs in the state. He secured victory in the Kunkuri Assembly seat with a total of 87,604 votes, defeating his Congress rival, U D Minj, by a margin of 62,063 votes.
The BJP emerged victorious in Chhattisgarh by winning 54 out of 90 assembly seats, defeating Congress which bagged only 35 seats.