College Vidya has announced the launch of their new campaign titled ‘Kya Farak Padta Hai’. As per the company, the campaign comes directly from the heart of College Vidya’s Veteran counselors and COO on witnessing how misguided the students are.
Additionally, the campaign aims to highlight the severity of making casual decisions towards careers, particularly in the context of online education. Through this initiative, College Vidya focuses to address the casualness, lack of understanding, and apprehensions that students have when choosing online education, further highlighting the detrimental long-term impact they can have on one’s career.
With this campaign, College Vidya invites students, parents and educators to join the conversation by using the hashtag #KyaFarakPadtaHai and share their thoughts, concerns, and success stories related to online education.
The campaign has two brand films, conceptualised to represent different young faces highlighting their casual approach toward online education. The films will be rolled out across various social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
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