Kapiva has announced its collaboration with Bollywood actor Tiger Shroff. As per the company, the collaboration aims to challenge misconceptions surrounding Shilajit, a mineral-rich resin and break free from the stereotypical taboos associated with it.
Additionally, the partnership focuses to reshape perceptions of Ayurveda by spotlighting Shilajit’s versatile applications in muscle building, faster recovery, improved energy levels, better metabolism and enhanced joint health.
The latest ad film tackles the common trend of people opting for steroids to build muscles. It highlights the societal preference for shortcuts. However, the film promotes a different approach by emphasising the effectiveness of natural products with clinically tested ingredients. It suggests that achieving muscle growth and better performance at the gym doesn’t have to involve shortcut methods.
“Teaming up with Kapiva for their ‘Ayurveda for Gym, Immunity and Wellness’ category is a great opportunity as I firmly believe that Ayurveda is the missing link we all need to bridge the gap between traditional wisdom and modern well-being. I feel a deep sense of satisfaction, being the one entrusted with the task of educating the audience, and contributing to their well-being,” Tiger Shroff added.
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