Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw on Friday (December 15) clarified that the over 26,000 candidates skilled under the “Rail Kaushal Vikas Yojana” until November 2023 will not receive preferential treatment for jobs within the Indian Railways.
The statement comes as a response to a query by BJP MP Narayana Koragappa regarding job preferences for the trained youth.
Vaishnaw emphasised that the program’s primary objective is to enhance individuals’ skills, making them better suited for employment opportunities or equipping them to initiate their own startups or entrepreneurship ventures.
The “Rail Kaushal Vikas Yojana” specifically targets candidates in the age group of 18 to 35 years, aiming to empower them through entry-level skill training in various industry-relevant technical trades at diverse training locations. Successful candidates are acknowledged with certificates for completing skill development training in their designated trade.
“Successful candidates are awarded certificates for undergoing skill development training in the allotted trade. The objective of imparting technical training to unemployed youths in various trades is to enhance their employability and entrepreneurship,” Vaishnaw said.
Vaishnaw articulated that the scheme’s overarching goal is to elevate the employability and entrepreneurial spirit of unemployed youths by imparting technical training across diverse trades.
He also informed that the scheme serves as a catalyst, empowering trained candidates to secure wage employment or engage in self-employment ventures.
While shedding light on the scheme, Vaishnaw clarified that the Indian Railways does not maintain state-wise data of the candidates enrolled in the “Rail Kaushal Vikas Yojana.”
This approach underlines the broader mission of the initiative, focusing on skill enhancement and empowerment for a brighter future for the country’s youth.