The Delhi Police on Thursday detained the prime accused of the Parliament security breach, Lalit Jha, after he surrendered before the cops. A massive manhunt was launched to nab him after he went absconding on Wednesday.
Jha is one of the six accused who were involved in the breach of security in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The other individuals involved in the breach, Sagar Sharma, Manoranjan D, Amol Shinde, Neelam Devi, and Vishal, have already been arrested.
After Lalit Jha surrendered on his own, an official said, Lalit Jha came to the police station on his own after which the police arrested him and started an interrogation.” The accused, who had been absconding, was arrested in Delhi, ANI reported.
Meanwhile, on Thursday, Delhi’s Patiala House Court sent the four accused, who infiltrated the Parliament and opened yellow smoke canisters, to seven-day custody. An FIR was registered against them under sections 16 (terrorism) and 18 (conspiracy for terrorism) of the Indian Penal Code and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA).
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All four accused were produced by the Special Cell of Delhi police, which sought a 15-day custodial interrogation.
In an official release, the Delhi Police stated,“All accused yesterday entered the Parliament using visitor passes and jumped from the gallery, which resulted in the hindrance during the Parliament proceedings.” Thereafter, the police also stated in their plea that the accused needed to be taken to Lucknow, Mumbai, and Mysore for custodial interrogation which has been granted by the court.
Also Read:‘House didn’t stop then, won’t stop now’: Speaker Om Birla as Lok Sabha reconvenes after Parliament security breach
What happened in the Parliament security breach?
On Wednesday afternoon, during the Zero Hour, Sagar Sharma and Manoranjan D made a daring leap into the Lok Sabha chamber from the public gallery. Once inside, they released yellow gas and vocally proclaimed slogans before being restrained by MPs and Parliament staff. At the same time, Amol Shinde and Neelam Devi discharged coloured gas while chanting ‘tanashahi nahi chalegi’ outside the Parliament premises. Police authorities confirmed that these four individuals were part of a larger group consisting of six individuals who orchestrated this incident. Notably, this breach occurred on the anniversary of the 2001 Parliament terror attack.